Friday, October 23, 2009

Just a little something to lighten the mood...

I probably wont get a chance to do any updates over the weekend,
so I thought I would leave you all with this : )

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Phil Terpening - Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

There are quite a few articles out there that tell of what a good man Phil was, but I think this one sums it up the best...

In Memory of Phil Terpening

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Political Blogs Gone Bad

Of the dozen or so area political blogs out there, only a few have any true merit... The rest are either self-promoting or dribbling banter on how evil the other party is...
I dont mind either, but what does bug me, is when I see something that is wrong on so many levels that it boggles the mind how the person posting can even live with themselves.
While we have seen MoJo take some things a little far, nothing could be as asinine and sinister as the BS pulled by Blaber over the last few months.
Over time, we have gotten to watch him turn from democrat fanboy to a selectively republican wannabe character assassin for hire.
Some of you may say "But poor Jeremy has been through so much lately, havent you read his tale of woe just posted on his blog?"
All Ive got to say to that is karma is a bitch aint it!
Now if he had taken down the attack against Nina and apologized, I might have had a little sympathy for him... even if he takes it down now, he has already shown us his true colors.
Of course Blaber is not fully to blame, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Bernardo's are feeding him most of his material for their own political gain. Pretty much anyone and everyone thats ever had a problem with them have been the targets of Blabers attacks.
The ones that havent had a direct issue, I believe were merely targeted just to cause some dissension among the ranks.
Postupack, Schriebman, Mihailescu, Woerner, and Dart have been frequent targets over the last few months, and while I'm pretty sure the reasoning for most of them, I will have to do a little more research (and maybe a future blog post) as to what spurred Blaber to turn on Woerner and Dart... I think I know why, but I do actually like to do a little research before spouting off.
To sum things up for tonight though, Blaber has destroyed what little credibility he had left (and it wasnt much), and the way the Bernardo's used Blaber to attack the character and integrity of many good people, while at the same time using Len's position to negotiate backroom deals to secure his wife a legislative seat has all left a nastier than ever stench on some of the dirtiest politics the county has seen in some time.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In the beginning...

I debated long and hard as to what my first foray into the blogosphere would be about, and decided I would start off with some of the reasons I decided to start my own blog...

  1. No other blog covers all the juicy stuff AND posts the comments of both sides... Dont believe me, go to Blabernews and post something positive about Nina Postupack or go to Mojo and post something nice about Hein.
  2. Most of the other bloggers are either currently elected officials, candidates for political office, wannabe's, or just have something else to promote in general.
The only thing I have to promote is my own opinion. Of course it will be somewhat slanted, but unlike the others, I welcome differing opinions and ideas. If we all shared the ideals and beliefs, this would be a pretty boring world and that would suck!

If your still reading this, your probably wondering what direction my slant is, well, I'm very much a middle of the road kind of guy that tries to make informed decisions by listening to all sides. Closing of ones mind to other views just because of party affiliation, race, religion, etc. is one of the biggest reasons the United States is going down the tubes. So much more could be done if we stopped bickering with others for those same reasons and really focused on making life better instead of who came up with the idea.

In my next posting, I will delve a little further into the issues I have with some of the other bloggers, but until then...
Thanks for stopping by and remember all comments are welcome, just please try to keep it PG and relevant (if applicable).