Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Political Blogs Gone Bad

Of the dozen or so area political blogs out there, only a few have any true merit... The rest are either self-promoting or dribbling banter on how evil the other party is...
I dont mind either, but what does bug me, is when I see something that is wrong on so many levels that it boggles the mind how the person posting can even live with themselves.
While we have seen MoJo take some things a little far, nothing could be as asinine and sinister as the BS pulled by Blaber over the last few months.
Over time, we have gotten to watch him turn from democrat fanboy to a selectively republican wannabe character assassin for hire.
Some of you may say "But poor Jeremy has been through so much lately, havent you read his tale of woe just posted on his blog?"
All Ive got to say to that is karma is a bitch aint it!
Now if he had taken down the attack against Nina and apologized, I might have had a little sympathy for him... even if he takes it down now, he has already shown us his true colors.
Of course Blaber is not fully to blame, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Bernardo's are feeding him most of his material for their own political gain. Pretty much anyone and everyone thats ever had a problem with them have been the targets of Blabers attacks.
The ones that havent had a direct issue, I believe were merely targeted just to cause some dissension among the ranks.
Postupack, Schriebman, Mihailescu, Woerner, and Dart have been frequent targets over the last few months, and while I'm pretty sure the reasoning for most of them, I will have to do a little more research (and maybe a future blog post) as to what spurred Blaber to turn on Woerner and Dart... I think I know why, but I do actually like to do a little research before spouting off.
To sum things up for tonight though, Blaber has destroyed what little credibility he had left (and it wasnt much), and the way the Bernardo's used Blaber to attack the character and integrity of many good people, while at the same time using Len's position to negotiate backroom deals to secure his wife a legislative seat has all left a nastier than ever stench on some of the dirtiest politics the county has seen in some time.


  1. You should do a little more research. Blaber was upset with Marianne Degroot and believed that Postupack contributed to the discord between the two of them. That is what motivated the post about Nina. Not some sort of retribution from other people.

    If you don't know why Blaber turned on Dart and Woerner - you just bought yourself zero credibility with me. That one is easier to figure out than the Postupack/DeGroodt issue with Jeremy.

    You might want to check out the connection between Blaber and Madsen (Dart's opponent) duh!

    You can figure out Woerner on your own.

  2. If you believe that Marianne is the reason for the attack on Nina, well then I can honestly care less about how much credibility I have with you.
    As far as Dart and Woerner, I know the reasons, but I want to get all the facts, not just the rumors, together before commenting further on that.

  3. The attack on Nina was typical Blaber. It was because his candidate is down and he thought that garbage like that post would help. He does this stuff without thinking. He did the same thing to Quigley last year when he thought his boy was down in the poll for comptroller.

    He is being used because he is stupid enough to pull stunts like this and the people pulling his strings can easily distance themselves from him because....well....he's Blaber. No one actually thinks he is part of a campaign. First rule in dirty politics: find a patsy that can desiminate your attack info so that it does not look like it is coming directly from you.

    As far as Dart and Woerner. I know where you are going with that and I probably agree with you. Just be careful.

  4. i would give jeremy blaber the last glass of water if the little weesel was dieing of thurst at the democractic head quarters.he is a pathetic little blow hole of a want a be.for the life of me i cant imajine what people think of him.he cries poverty and tells of his woes.we certainly dont care,and anyone we see associating with the blubber blaber we will not be voting for this year.its a poor represitation of whom those people are.blaber is a theif/lier/abuser of the elderly/and a preditor of other peoples for all that connect themselves with that you wont be getting my support for squat.i dont want a thief or any liers voted into office,representing me.i will campaign to support whom ever is the other person running against a candidate supported buy jeremy blaber's veiws.i pitty the poor people whom support his veiws because in this day and age bad PR goes alot further than good,and folks will remember that for a long time to come

  5. This blog sucks. It is rehashed, old news with no new insight. Everythign that is being said here has been said 1,000 times before.

    Blogs about Ulster County politics are done. What's next?

  6. Why thank you for your review, and yes most of it is older news, however, since most blogs are one-sided, I believe there are a number of people that have not gotten the full story AND been allowed to voice their opinion without a biased person selectively moderating the comments they have made...

    The simple fact that you have chosen to stop by and leave a comment yourself is proof that political blogs for UC are alive and well, and as far as whats next... You will just have to come back to find out now wont you?

  7. 10:00am is just looking for gossip. Most of the blog reading public is here for that. They don't care about opinions or both sides. They are on for the dirt. Rest assured he and many others will continue to read every day in the hopes of the next morsel of dirt someone can dig out on a politician.

    Society no a days is addicted to the rumor mill. Look at the success of reality TV and tabloid mags.

    You want proof put a politicians name on a headline with something Juicy and watch your hit counter spin.
